Happy full moon, earth angels. The full moon is a potent time of clarity which invites new levels of healing and divine downloads. Full moons can illuminate your pain so the angels can transform it into peace. Each moon cycle…
Tag Archives: jill kempner
Your Daily Devotional Practice Is an Act Of Self-Love
Happy full moon, earth angels. The full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels, making it easier to receive your angels’ loving guidance. During the full moon cycle, your angels guide you to celebrate your healing and notice which pain patterns are…
Breaking The Sacred Promise
Happy new moon solar eclipse, earth angels. The new moon is a time of renewal, new beginnings, and pressing the reset button. In the dark of the new moon, you are guided to release the old, worn-out patterns of pain…
Trust Your Clairsentience to Heal Pain
Happy full moon lunar eclipse earth angels. This full moon is coupled with an eclipse which means an increase in divine revelations is available for you. The full moon magnetizes your intuitive channels and makes it easier to trust your…
Trusting Your Clairaudience
Happy new moon, earth angels. New moons are dark and provide the fertile soil to release pain and stress. Each new moon cycle brings new beginnings to plant the seeds of peace and ease. Earth angels know that during the…
Healing Inner Harshness With Devotion
Happy full moon, earth angels. Full moons light the sky and your inner world. Earth angels know that the full moon magnetizes their intuitive channels, putting a spotlight on the pain or pattern that needs their angels’ love. The full…
Renew Your Devotion to Heal Your Pain
Happy new moon earth angels. The new moon is a time to renew your devotion to yourself and your angelic connection. New moons offer the chance for a clean slate as you release the old patterns of pain, anxiety, and…