The Importance of Pausing

Volume I / Issue 9 — 13 October 2020

I think one of the most important things we can do in our busy lives is remember to take pause. Some cultures and religions have this built into their daily practices, such as the siesta in Spain (which I genuinely loved when I studied there) or the daily prayer(s) in various religions. The pause is the invitation to slow down, take stock, and reset or redirect, as needed. Without the pause, life can run away from you rather easily. 

I think the pandemic was a reminder of just how important it is to take pause and reflect on a regular basis. Kate Brenton uses this tool rather seamlessly in her personal work with clients as well as her programs. Her invitation to “sit in your center” is exactly that: a pause that invites you home to yourself, in order to live more freely with more balance. Kate’s book Start Now, Love won’t be out until next year, but her work is ongoing. If you haven’t had a chance to get to know Kate, or her gift for inviting you home to yourself, perhaps now is a good time as we all start to slow down a bit in anticipation of the winter months. 

For me, Autumn has always been the perfect time to lighten my pace and live with a bit more ease. Here at IOM, we have worked hard the past nine months to bring you new work that can do just that. Whether it’s beautifully illustrated stories in children’s books or words of poetry that paint pictures themselves (or anything else we’ve created), all of our recently published work is an invitation to pause and enjoy. 

While we continue to work on great books for 2021, we will be sharing new products (I’m so excited!!) for your life and your home over the next two months. I call them “touchstones” to help you stay connected to what you’ve enjoyed. Stay tuned…

Wishing you well,

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Meet the Author:

Kate Brenton

Kate Brenton is one of those rare individuals who has collected lifetimes of experiences and expertise and synthesized it all into a special offering. Her Sit in Your Center program has helped countless women rediscover their inner voice, beauty, and power, from the most supportive and welcoming place. Instead of struggle, there’s an embrace. Instead of frustration, acceptance.

As an author and podcaster, Kate has the ability to bring forth any story in a way that transcends its details making it accessible to all, while still highlighting the individual behind the words. With her new 21-day offering Master your Mornings with Kate Brenton, Kate serves as guide and mentor, helping you to “reconnect to what really matters each morning.” (Click here to learn more.)

“Instructions for living a life.
Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.”
– Mary Oliver –

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