What are your priorities, really? It’s an honest question, to which we often provide less-than-honest answers. If we were 100% truthful about our actual priorities (the things we actively pursue and attend to), we might not actually like ourselves so…
Tag Archives: alignment
Reconnecting With Myself Through Art
I had a really bad morning. In fact, it’s been a rough week all around since my minor surgery last week, for myriad reasons. But I went to art class anyway, even though I considered leaving 5 minutes after I…
The Power of… Not Engaging?
Don’t Engage. Don’t Engage. Don’t Engage. This has been my mantra of sorts for a while now. It’s the phrase I hear in my head (always repeated three times) when I am waffling between commenting on something in social media,…
Permission to Let Go
I missed writing a blog last week – did you notice? Several of you did and reached out to check that everything is ok (thank you). And if you didn’t notice, that’s totally ok, because I didn’t notice either. Sometime during…
Acceptance Is The Key
This past week I’ve been soul-searching a bit, as I meandered through the last few days of the online workshop I mentioned a couple of weeks ago. It’s been an interesting process, to say the least. On the one hand,…
Leading or Paving the Way Forward
Isn’t so much of life about reacting to something, rather than creating something anew? They say there are no more original ideas. I don’t think that’s entirely true, but I think it’s mostly true. I read the words of poets…
Your Way, My Way, and Any Which Way
My friend and fellow author, Brian E. Miller, had this meme posted on his Facebook wall over the weekend. I had heard this Nietzsche quote before, but had not remembered it. So, seeing it again was both refreshing and inspirational. As someone…