Tag Archives: guidance

My Story of Grace

I am so excited to share this news with you. 365 Moments of Grace is out TODAY and I’m a Contributing Author! In its pages, I have shared my personal story of Grace – how I found it, what it means to me, and…

Feeling Stressed?

Stress can be like wind on the surface of water: temporary, changing, and totally outside of our control. We often feel stressed and anxious because of circumstances in our life that we cannot control or influence. (Usually, actually, we think…

Turning the wheels

I was driving home from an appointment today, and a little nugget of wisdom bopped me on the head as I waited for my turn to turn left. Don’t turn your wheels. This was something my dad taught me when…

Little Black Dress

I recently heard someone use the phrase: “Being helpful is just control in a party dress.” To begin with, I wished I had come up with that. It’s brilliant: simple, poignant and tangible. Sometimes, when we think we’re helping someone,…