Tag Archives: relaxation

Angel Thoughts Heal Your Pain

Happy full moon lunar eclipse earth angels. The full moon is a time to trust your intuition so you can strengthen your angelic connection. The full moon shines a guiding light on both your gifts and your pain, creating space…

Your Parts Heal Through Emotional Relaxation!

Happy NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE, earth angels! New moons are dark, offering a sacredspace to release your pain and plant the seed of new beginnings. The new moon is a time topause, press the reset button, and begin again so…

Relieve Stress With Your Daily Devotional Practice

Happy new moon earth angels. New moons are a time of new beginnings and a chance to press the reset button. In the dark of the new moon there is an opportunity to release past pain and stress, and begin…

Your Body Loves Spiritual Relaxation

Happy full moon earth angels. Full moons are a time of culmination and celebration. The brightness of the full moon can also illuminate the shadowy places within you that need your angels’ love. As a sensitive soul, the full moons…

The Shadow of Being an Earth Angel—Part 4

Happy full moon earth angels. Earth angels love the moon cycles. Full moons magnetize and strengthen your intuition, increasing your ability to receive Angel signs and synchronicities. The brightness of the full moon illuminates your light as well as your…

A relaxed mind hears the divine

Hi Earth angels Angels. Happy new Moon. New moons are a time of new beginnings and an opportunity to reset and renew. New moons provide a safe and dark space to release what no longer serves you especially stress, pain…

Rest and Relaxation

I bought a hammock! It’s obvious that rest and relaxation are important to our wellbeing. But there is a big difference between “rest” and “relaxation” – something I’ve only just recently understood myself. Relaxation is a state of resting,  but…