Tag Archives: pause

The Importance of Pausing

Whether she is cooking up a delicious new recipe from scratch, or helping her clients and friends to find more balance, wellness, and peace in their lives, respect is at the forefront of her presence. She respects The Nature for all it has to offer, and in turn The Nature offers her abundance. Everything is in harmony. …hopefully we’ve learned that taking a pause in The Nature is good for our bodies, and our souls.

The Gift of All Saints’ Day

On November 1st, with Halloween behind us and the holiday season looming on the horizon, I think All Saints’ Day is the perfect day to pause and reflect. It’s like a reset button for your soul – if you choose…

The Importance of Discernment and Taking Pause

This week I want to share an experience with you that I had just a few days ago, and why it reminded me of the importance of discernment and taking pause – especially online. It’s actually a bit long, so…

Finding Your Five

This past week I had several conversations with people, from clients to strangers to family and friends, all about how to find your five, and why it’s so important to do so, regularly. What is “Finding your five?” It’s about…

What now?

What do you do, when you don’t know what to do? I was recently asked this question by one of my clients. And truth be told, I’ve asked it of myself many times before. It’s more common than you might…