Tag Archives: mindfulness

The Power of… Not Engaging?

Don’t Engage. Don’t Engage. Don’t Engage. This has been my mantra of sorts for a while now. It’s the phrase I hear in my head (always repeated three times) when I am waffling between commenting on something in social media,…

Something Old – Something New

June is wedding season, so I thought I’d borrow an old adage in keeping with the times: Something Old – Something New. “Something OLD” refers to a theme or message that I have shared for many years with my readers and…

What I learned from Ozzy Osbourne (no, really)

I am rarely ahead of the curve on anything. I still haven’t watched a single episode of Mad Men, I have no clue why Orange Is The New Black, and the only Housewives I know are my friends who are…

Acceptance Made Easy(er)

There has been a lot of talk in recent years about “acceptance” and how important it is for living a balanced and happy life. And I agree. Acceptance is one of the cornerstones of living well. Where I have a…

Triggers and Opportunities

I recently had a conversation with a dear friend during which I got triggered. Badly. You see, we all have this stuff. Stuff that comes up from our past (or past lives) that serve as hot buttons for us and…

Finding Your Five

This past week I had several conversations with people, from clients to strangers to family and friends, all about how to find your five, and why it’s so important to do so, regularly. What is “Finding your five?” It’s about…

Where the Grass is Greener

This week I struggled with something to write about. Call it Mercury Retrograde, or call it fatigue, either way I came up with nothing. It happens. Then I saw this quote on a friend’s FB page: The grass is greener…