Tag Archives: Joanna Quargnali-Linsley

Something New

Whether she is cooking up a delicious new recipe from scratch, or helping her clients and friends to find more balance, wellness, and peace in their lives, respect is at the forefront of her presence. She respects The Nature for all it has to offer, and in turn The Nature offers her abundance. Everything is in harmony. …hopefully we’ve learned that taking a pause in The Nature is good for our bodies, and our souls.

The Nature

Whether she is cooking up a delicious new recipe from scratch, or helping her clients and friends to find more balance, wellness, and peace in their lives, respect is at the forefront of her presence. She respects The Nature for all it has to offer, and in turn The Nature offers her abundance. Everything is in harmony. …hopefully we’ve learned that taking a pause in The Nature is good for our bodies, and our souls.

Exploring Perspective

Changing how we see things creates opportunities. Being open to new experiences, new discoveries, and new perspectives—being curious— is one of the best ways to move through life… because you never know where life will take you, which could be one of your best adventures yet!

Changing How We See Things

Changing how we see things creates opportunities. Being open to new experiences, new discoveries, and new perspectives—being curious— is one of the best ways to move through life… because you never know where life will take you, which could be one of your best adventures yet!