Tag Archives: happiness

The Two C’s That Make the Holidays Stressful

One of the reasons we have so many arguments and disagreements with family during the holidays is because we engage in the practice of Competing and Comparing. Here’s what I’m talking about… There’s a difference between saying, “I make my…

Feeling Stressed?

Stress can be like wind on the surface of water: temporary, changing, and totally outside of our control. We often feel stressed and anxious because of circumstances in our life that we cannot control or influence. (Usually, actually, we think…

Speaking to Joy

Recently, I was speaking with a client that is venturing into the online dating world, and this came out of my mouth: Find someone who speaks to your joy, not your fears. So often in life we look for a…

To live life as a dog.

For dogs there is no yesterday and there is no tomorrow. There is only now, and there is only love. Love of food. Love of sleep. Love of play. Love of walks. Love of their owner.   And seemingly, all…

Champions at Heart

“You don’t need a man, Liz. You need a champion.” – Eat, Pray, Love I always liked that line, because it hits me. Right there. You know the place: That space between your heart and your throat where you can…

If this, then that…

Why is it that we’ve been programmed to delay happiness? Think about it for a second. Do you have the thought pattern anywhere ingrained in you that says: “If I do/acquire/reach a certain thing/level – I will then be happy.”…