Angel Thoughts Heal Your Pain

Happy full moon lunar eclipse earth angels. The full moon is a time to trust your intuition so you can strengthen your angelic connection. The full moon shines a guiding light on both your gifts and your pain, creating space… Read More

Your Body Loves Spiritual Relaxation

Happy full moon earth angels. Full moons are a time of culmination and celebration. The brightness of the full moon can also illuminate the shadowy places within you that need your angels’ love. As a sensitive soul, the full moons…

You Are Safe to be Fully Human and Fully Divine

Happy new moon and happy Lunar New Year, too. New moons are a time of new beginnings, inviting you to release past pain and renew your devotion. This new moon is called a “black moon” because it’s the second new…

Your Pain Is Your Medicine

Happy full moon, earth angels. Earth angels love the moon cycles because they know how much more intuitive they will be. Full moons are a time of illumination and celebration. The full moon not only illuminates the pain that needs…

Editing by Genre

by Winter Murray Although editing for content is one of, if not the most, important aspects of the editing process, one thing that many people don’t consider is how genre can impact it overall. Each genre comes with its own…