Author and Certified Life Coach Martina Faulkner, LMSW, dives into some of her favorite quotes, writing tips, and sources of inspiration. Check back for more insight into her life, her process, and what drives her forward.
Capturing Inspiration
Having a system in place to capture inspiration is the most important tip I think I’ve ever given anyone, including myself.
Whether it’s creating files on your computer, using the Notes feature on your phone, or carrying a journal with you, it’s important to have a system in place before you need it.

Personally, I have chosen to use the Notes feature on my phone. For me, the muse shows up at the most unexpected times, and having something set up that allows me to embrace the flow regardless of where I am or what I’m doing has been a game-changer.
Taking it a step further and creating folders within the Notes app has also made a huge difference in how I work and write.