Joy, Peace, and Love

Nearly every client I have worked with recently has had the same theme come up:

Joy, Peace, and Love.

As we navigated the various issues they were facing, all of them different, we always arrived at the same end. Each of them are returning to a sense of joy, peace, and love in their lives, and various problems opportunities have been surfacing to help them get there more directly.

So, I sat down to think about what it truly means to live a life of joy, peace, and love… because, as I’ve learned over the years of doing this work:

When the same theme keeps coming up for my clients, I know it’s a message for me too. 

It’s like the Universe is not so subtly tapping me on the shoulder and clearing its throat “Ahem….”

Delving into what each of the words mean, I realized that it’s when they’re combined that they encapsulate what it feels like to be both human and divine at the same time. They represent a trinity of sorts, one that serves as the circle containing the duality of our existence. That, of course, is a fancy way of saying that these three things are at the core of our essence, and I’d argue that they are held together with hope.

I think our natural state is one of joy, love and peace. You only need to look at a child playing to realize the truth of this statement. It’s our birthright, though we tend to forget it along the way. There are so many external factors pulling on us and inviting us to forget who we truly are, that by the time we hit 8, 9, or 10 years old (maybe even earlier nowadays), we’ve lost touch with the effortlessness of being.

Then, somewhere later in life (often prompted by a crisis of some sort, or simply sheer exhaustion from trying to keep up with all the external input), we start to long for the days of our youth. It’s easy to say we miss the freedom of play, but I think play is the byproduct of feeling complete in who we are. In other words, when we know ourselves as belonging to joy, peace and love, we can’t help but find it in everything around us…. and life becomes a giant playground. 🙂

My ‘natural state’ is Joy, Peace, and Love. 🙂

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