In my experience, there are three basic stages of Love. And they usually occur in this order:
Be loving. Simply stated: Love others and love yourself, through your words, thoughts, and actions.
Be lovable. This is not about being cute; it’s about being receptive to love from someone else. Surprisingly, this can be a real challenge for many, but I’m here to say you are 100% WORTHY of love, exaclty as you are.
Be Love. Do 1 and 2.
Ok, so #3 is one of those “wisdom statements” I referred to in an earlier post. It’s simple and true…and somewhat airy. Here’s how to make it accessible:
Let your actions, decisions, words and thoughts come from the space of love inside you. If you embody 1 and 2, you will “Be Love.” In other words, allow the idea of Love as an energy, a thought, a feeling, to guide you in your day. Use it as a barometer against which you measure your decisions. If, for example, something is out of alignment with Love (like gossip, for instance), you have a choice. You can always choose something new, something different. Always.
Some practical questions you can ask yourself as you choose to Be Love:
- Is this thought coming from a loving space?
(If not, where is it coming from? Fear? Anger? Hurt? – How can you change it?) - Does this action/decision support my intention of being loving and lovable?
To myself? To others? (<– see what I did there? Put yourself first.) - What is the loving thing to do in this situation?
Life can be hard. Life can be a struggle. This is not about being perfect. If, for example, you “mess up” and say something out of fear or hurt (or exhaustion), love yourself back into alignment by apologizing, or making a different choice the next time, or whatever you think would be a more loving response than what you did. (I speak from experience here.)
This is all about engaging in the process and allowing yourself to make different choices, being more open to a life filled with Love, both giving and receiving it. Because Love is the essence behind everything you are, and everything you desire (not to mention: creativity, prosperity, and joy!).